In case of fire: GTFO 🔥

Dark background with glowing red neon "EXIT" sign
Dark background with glowing red neon "EXIT" sign


Hopefully this will never happen to you, but even if it's not a fire or earthquake, an emergency may arise and you are pressed to get out of the office/building and you have uncommitted code.

What do you need to do❓

GTFO: get-the-f-out

Typically something along the lines of:

git checkout -B emergency-exit
git add -A
git commit -m "Emergency exit"
git push origin head -u

That's a lot of commands to write with a lot of potential for misspellings and having to retype them. I wrote this for fun and thought I would share it. There's two ways I did this: a git alias, a Mac .zsh or Powershell alias on top of the git command.

The result is being able to simply type g tfo and having the computer take care of the rest of the work in saving your work and publishing to a remote branch for later recovery.


So I first create the git alias by editing the .gitconfig. I want to create an alias called tfo and create a function that calls all the git commands I listed above in succession.

So here's what that looks like (normally 1 line, but wrapped for formatting):

    tfo = "!f() { git checkout -B emergency-exit && git add -A && git commit -m
       'Emergency exit'  && git push origin head -u; }; f

✨ That's it! My repo now has a branch called emergency-exit and I can merge or whatever I need to do later when it's safe.

To replace git with just g:


Edit the .profile to alias g as git.

New-Item alias:g -value git

// or directly in the profile.ps1 file

New-Alias g git


Newer Macs use zsh as the shell. Open the .zshrc with nano or vscode.

code -or- nano ~/.zshrc

alias g="git"

Then update your terminal

source ~/.zshrc

💥 Now, I could write a global function called gtfo that does everything, or even a script, but this was fast and easy and a nice little 10 minute break.

Important: If you are unlucky to have to do this more than once or you did this to test it out, the -B in the command creates the branch if doesn't exist and if it does, then resets it with the new changes.

Also if you have to do this often... Stay the away from me...jk... But seriously... Don't come near me.

© 2023 Stephen Chiang